Let's Go to Africa

Greetings in the Name of The Lord!  

Thank you for being part of an effort to share the Gospel and show mercy to the those in Africa.

Christianity in general in Africa is growing at amazing rate, and Lutheranism specifically is expanding at a pace faster than what Lutheran churches in Africa can keep up.  Church leaders throughout Africa have asked the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (LCMS) to partner with and help train their pastors in Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions as they reach out to their people and to aid in acts of mercy to those in need.

In February 2015, the Wolf family was called by the LCMS to serve as missionaries in Kenya, Africa.  John will serve as the Project Manager for the region of Africa, working alongside Lutheran churches throughout Africa as they teach God's Word and reach out to their hurting neighbors in mercy. 

Meeting the needs of the growing Lutheran churches in Africa takes more than just the missionaries deployed into remote areas--regional and LCMS international mission offices provide support, but the most impacting support comes from individuals and congregations, through your prayers, gifts, and support.  We wouldn't be here without the Lord's guidance and your prayers for all those involved in this mission endeavor. 

Please join us as we walk with the Lutheran churches in Africa- to enable the Word of God to be preached for salvation and forgiveness and show mercy to those in need.   This blog and Facebook are regular ways to connect with the work in Africa and our journey there. If you would like a newsletter, pls email us at john.wolf@lcmsintl.org or jennifer.wolf@lcmsintl.org.  

If you would like to provide gifts or supports, please refer to our prayer card at the following link to speak with Michelle or Debbie: http://www.lcms.org/john.wolf

Let's go to Africa.  

In Christ,

John and Jenn Wolf (and the Wolf Pack)
