Mt Zion Lutheran Church, Denver, Colorado

Our one daughter's godparents are members at Mt Zion in Denver CO. The pastor there also happens to be husband to a homeschool friend of ours and good friends with our own pastor. So, although they are already involved in a fair few mission projects and support, they graciously asked us to go present on the missionary work that John will be doing in Africa. Every time we visit they are so friendly (my kids love attending their VBS whenever we're in town).
Here is John presenting at Mt Zion - Ian took pictures while John was presenting

For fun, This is Annalise and her Best Friend who is also the daughter of Annalise's godparents

They take dance classes together when we're in town.

The family also VERY graciously invited us to stay at their house till we managed to find a house for ourselves. This was finally accomplished in the middle of August, in the interim Angus managed to learn how to climb our friend's stairs!

Thank-you to Mt Zion for hosting us!
